Exercises for Spinal Arthritis That You Can Do in Your Home

Facet joint inflammation of the spine and the sacroiliac joints between the spine and the pelvis is referred to as spinal arthritis. In addition, wear and tear, autoimmune illnesses, infection, and other factors may be responsible for it. 

An inflammatory response to the spine’s ligaments and tendons may also occur at the points where they link to the spine’s bones in some cases. Arthritis in the back or neck may be painful and frequently progresses to a chronic state. How can you help yourself to relieve or help lessen your pain? There are exercises for spinal arthritis that you can do in your home.

Can Arthritis in the Spine Be Cured?

Spine arthritis has no known treatment. However, some therapies can enhance joint function and reduce joint discomfort. Your symptoms, age, and overall health will all play a role in determining your therapy. Your doctor may advise you on the following arthritic spine treatments.

  • Medications: If your arthritis is mild to moderate, over-the-counter medications may be a choice. If your arthritis pain is severe, you may administer prescription pain medication for a brief period.
  • Hot and cold compresses: Using hot and cold compresses on your back may help with arthritis, back discomfort, and inflammation.
  • Physical therapy: Low-impact physical therapy exercises might help you get rid of stiffness and increase your range of motion.
  • Steroid Injections: A corticosteroid injection into your facet joint may provide temporary relief.

Although there is no cure for arthritis, related back pain can be relieved in most cases by conservative treatment and lifestyle changes.

When Back Pain Is Caused By Spinal Arthritis

What is the Best Exercise for Spinal Arthritis?

Exercise for spinal arthritis is regarded as the most effective non-drug treatment for those with osteoarthritis to decrease and enhance mobility. To avoid joint aches, you must perform the exercises correctly. Specific workouts can assist in strengthening the muscles that surround the joints. Here are some exercises for spinal arthritis that can help:

  • Exercises for the neck and back. Exercises that develop muscular strength will aid in support of arthritic joints and the reduction of the stress placed on them. Exercise bands and other low-cost devices that provide resistance, like resistance bands, can be used with resistance and weight machines.
  • Low-impact aerobic activity is recommended. Aerobic exercises assist in keeping the lungs, heart, respiratory, and circulatory systems in good repair and maintain a healthy weight by burning calories. Walking, stationary cycling, and exercising in the water are all examples of popular activities that do not exert excessive strain on the spinal column.
  • Exercising your range of motion. They are designed to keep the back joints limber, relieve stiffness, and preserve normal joint mobility in the back. Examples are gentle stretches in all directions, including sideways, forward, and backward. Gentle yoga that promotes flexibility may be a helpful exercise for spinal arthritis.

How Do You Treat Arthritis of the Spine Naturally?

By doing proper exercises for spinal arthritis, you can treat them even when you are at home. The following activities will help you build both strength and flexibility in your lower back. It is advised that you put a mat or a blanket on the floor.

  1. Knees-to-Chest Stretch

It is an exercise for spinal arthritis in which you lie on your back and use your hands to draw one leg toward your chest. There’s no need to force this activity. Hold for 15 seconds before lowering your foot to the floor. Perform 10 to 15 lifts on one leg, then repeat with the other. Knees-to-chest should be done once or twice a day, according to Rajter. She also suggests doing it first thing in the morning and at the end of the day to reduce spinal compression. Lift both legs if you can do a one-legged knees-to-chest without discomfort.

  1. Gentle Spine Twist

Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Maintain a solid grip on the floor with your shoulders as well. Roll both bent legs to one side and hold for 10 to 15 seconds. Breathe! Return to the starting position and do the opposite side’s mild spine twist. Do 10 to 15 of these once or twice a day, much like the knees-to-chest stretch.

  1. Cat-Cow Position

Place your hands and knees on the floor. Begin by softly arching your back, then gradually progress to a posture where your abdomen may droop. Only go to each position’s sub-maximum. The cat-cow activity is an excellent warm-up for the bird dog exercise since it mobilizes your facet joints at the back of your spine.

People with cervical spine osteoarthritis should avoid putting extra pressure on the head and neck, such as doing as headstands in yoga classes. Prolonged sitting at a desk or in a car can aggravate pain and stiffness in the back and neck. Frequent, short breaks to stand, stretch, and walk can be helpful.

Self Care and Exercise to Treat Spine Osteoarthritis

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